Who is Jesus?
Is he a man? Is he God?

YES! To both questions. No, we don't fully understand how He does that, but He does. And, we believe you can know Him as Friend, Father, Teacher, and Savior.

If you're still reading this, you're either a believer already, just checking out what we believe, or you are truly a seeker and sensitive to the fact that few humans have got this whole "what happens next" thing completely figured out. If you are the latter, you are in luck; we don't have it completely figured out either. However, God does!

"I would like to talk to someone about my faith journey."
What you do with Jesus determines your eternity.

What you've done here matters; the good shows us that good is possible, but the bad can destroy. But only one decision can change your eternity:

Knowing and trusting that Jesus' goodness can cover you and rejecting the world.

Why do that?

When we go off course from God's plan, we call that 'sin'. Either by commission (doing what we shouldn't) or omission (not doing what we should) we've all sinned; therefore, all of us have fallen short of the Glory God prepared for us. It's on us to ADMIT this.

Jesus did say that He was, not only God, but He was the only way to Life. He told an accomplished Rabbi that if you BELIEVE in the only begotten Son of God then you will have eternal life.

But Wait! There's More!

If you ADMIT you are a sinner and BELIEVE that Jesus is everything He said He is, that's great! But the Bible says that even Satan believes in God and recognises his own sin. What sets us apart? 

We can CONFESS Jesus as our Personal Lord & Savior. We have the option of putting Jesus willingly on the throne of our life and living like He is real.

We have the power to do this because of His Sacrifice and Resurrection.

God sent Jesus Christ to embody Himself on this earth and live a sinless human life but still undergo the punishment of death that we deserved. This frees us from those sins. Then, like no other had done before, He raised himself to life again. 

This frees us from the punishment of death, if we choose to take the step of trusting and believing in Him.

"I would like to talk to someone about my faith journey."